Tuesday, July 1, 2008


This morning was my first Eidah meeting for the second session group of 7th and 8th graders coming to camp. I am already frustrated because most of the CIT’s assigned to our age group did not want to learn the song. As a songleader they should respect me and listen to my authority but instead they talk to the counselors and hang out with one another. I’m already frustrated with our group and the kids haven’t even gotten here yet.
I’m really excited about my CO-Counselors though. Jen and Meredith will be amazing. Jen and I were co’s last session, so having her again is really nice because she knows my schedule and how I’m never there. Only because I have so much work to do songleading wise. It’s hard to balance both being a counselor and songleader. This thankfully will be my last session to have to balance them. I hope my kids will be as good as the last set. I’m sure they will be. Our age group is HUGE. There’s 75 of them coming. It’s kind of ridiculous. But I’m pretty stoked for it.
Songleading for them is always a very hard challenge, but I have more experience then the last time so that will be helpful. I hope they like our session song. It’s to the Beatles song I want to hold your hand. Have a good day.

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